Working Groups
The schedule for the working groups is available below and here (pdf.).
Individual papers and summaries submitted by 31 May 2019 have been uploaded and can be accessed by clicking on the relevant presentation title.
For further information on locations, please consult the Venue page.
WG 1: Dignity I
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 302
Angioletta Sperti, Arguments of Dignity and Pluralism Concerns in Recent Constitutional Court Adjudication
Hanna-Maria Niemi, Human Dignity in the Practice of the Finnish Courts of the Highest Instances
Michely Vargas Del Puppo Romanello & Jose Geraldo Romanello Bueno, The Causes of Disinheritance and the Dignity of the Heir in Testamentary and Legitimate Successions
Roberta Freitas Guerra, Brazilian Labor Reform: Between Economic Austerity and the New Labor Law of Exception (or on how the Human Dignity of Workers was Put in Check)
Matilda Chatzipanagiotou, How is ‘Human’ Dignity Empty? Portraying the 'Human' Component of the Law of Human Dignity: An Affirmative Stance Towards 'Something Missing'
Bettina Huber, Kann der Begriff der Würde als Haltung sinnvoll auf nichtmenschliche Tiere angewendet werden?
Katharina Bauer, Do Not Make Yourself a Worm – A Duty to Oneself to Respect One’s Own Dignity
Mirjam van der Heide, Dignity in Protest
Marina García-Granero, Neoliberalism and the Rise of Aporophobia
Jeyoun Son, Is Human Dignity a Trojan Horse that Threatens Liberal Society
Agnieszka Nogal, Human Dignity as a Legal Practice in the Context of Various Theoretical Justifications
WG 2: Dignity II
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 316
Lillian Ponchio e Silva Marchi & Bianca Sakamoto Ribeiro Paiva, Bioethics, Dignity and Vulnerability in Latin America
Michely Vargas Del Puppo Romanello & Jose Geraldo Romanello Bueno, The Patient's Civil Responsibility
Henrieta Anisoara Serban, Dignity, Responsibility and Justice - Main Pillars of Democracy
Oksana Hryshchuk, Philosophy of Human Dignity in Law
Andrea Faggion, On the Possibility of Law without Dignity
Luis Felipe Vergara, The Special Function of the Principle of Human Dignity as a Concept of Positive Law
Tom Hannant, Dignity and Non-Domination
Miriam Rocha, Dignity and Equality: A Fruitful or a Sterile Relationship?
Duška Franeta, Human Dignity as an Existentiale? Ricoeur’s Account of Dignity and Law
WG 3: Nature, Sustainability & Environment
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 111
Adriana Machado Yaghsisian, Catherine de Souza Santos & Simone Alves Cardoso, International Environmental Mediation and the Ethics of Modernity
Petra Gümplová, Rights of Conquest, Discovery and Occupation, and the Freedom of the Seas and the Genealogy of Natural Resource Injustice
Anna Beatriz Savioli, Public Procurement as Tool for Promoting Organic and Family Agriculture Policy in Brazil
Alexander Pearl, The (Next) Big Short and the End of the Anthropocene
Monim Benaissa, La jonction entre le droit de la mer, le droit de l'environnement, et le droit des droits de l'homme dans le cadre de l'action contre la pêche illégale et l'immigration clandestine en mer
Zeynep Özlem Üskül Engin, Accès à la Nourriture Saine en Tant qu’un Droit de l’Homme
Jane Maslow Cohen & Lawrence G. Sager, The Human Right to Water: A Generally Cautious, Partially Cautionary, Modestly Optimistic Assessment
Gabriela Soldano Garcez, Mass Tourism and the Search for Sustainable Cities According to 2030 Agenda: An Opportunity for Governance and Paradiplomacy
Masato Fukuhara, Future Generations and the Boundary Problem of Democracy
Michael Monterossi, Dignifying Natural Things?
Felix Ekardt, Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Legal and Philosophical Analysis with Regard to Sustainability
WG 4: AI & (New) Technologies
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 314
Paolo Sommaggio & Samuela Marchiori, Moral Dilemmas in the A.I. Era: A New Approach
Mickhael Erik Alexander Bachmann, Ruling Artificial Intelligence: A Turn in the Way of Thinking Law
Vladislav V. Arkhipov, Semantic Limits of Law: A Theory to Tackle the Challenges of Post-Modern Information Society
Nuria Lopez, The Life of our - Natural and Artificial - Minds
Zou Xiao-mei, Study on the Construction of Social Identity Based on the Diversification of Cyber Society
Yang Yi & Liu Anqi, On the Status of Intellectual Property Protection Webcast
Mikołaj Firlej, Regulating Human Control over Autonomous Systems
Javier de la Cueva, Source Code, Algorithms and the Rule of Law
Gloria Ziglioli, Social Digital Metamorphosis: When Technology Overruns Healthcare Services. Spaces and Values For a New Care Labour Paradigm
Jerônimo Romanello Neto & Jose Geraldo Romanello Bueno, The Techno-Scientific Advances of Modern Medicine in Support of Human Dignity on Diversity
Raúl Madrid, The Conditions of Possibility of Technological Deconstruction from Human to Posthuman
WG 5: Citizenship & Constitutionalism
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 302
Viktorija Soņeca, Coverage of the Principle of Primacy of European Union Law vs National Identity
Elena Prats, Selling Votes in the European Union? Presenting Citizenship by Investment Programs and their Relation to Democracy
Rufat Babayev, 'Brexit’, Transition and the Acquired Rights of Union Citizens?
Perica Jovchevski, The Political Allegiances of the Excluded: Practicing Substantive Citizenship in Multicultural Societies
Nicola Dimitri, Solidarieta: Il paradigma della fraternita nel gioco normativo delle costituzioni
Marko Bozic, The Role of the Sovereignty in the Justification of Constitutional Justice. A Reflection on Michel Troper's Marshall, Kelsen, Barak et le sophisme constitutionnaliste
Melis Menent, Dignity and Citizenship in Constitutional Patriotism
Fernando Gabriel Ghiggi, Constitutional Democracy’s Pyrrhic Victory
Lucía Giudice, La interpretación del artículo 44 de la Constitución uruguaya de acuerdo a los poderes del Estado: una disputa por el alcance del derecho a la salud
Helga María Lell, The Constitutional Hierarchy of the Legal Concept of Person in the Argentinian Legal System
Gerard Conway, The Role of Equality in Systematic Constitutional Interpretation
Cheng Naisheng & Jiang Zhenchun, Natural Law Interpretation in American Judicial Review
WG 6: Bioethics, Reproduction & Childrens’ Rights
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 203
Lillian Ponchio e Silva Marchi & Bianca Sakamoto Ribeiro Paiva, Advance Directive of Will: The Autonomy of the Person
Liu Yigong, Genome Editing, Human Dignity and Legal Regulation
Dawid Bunikowski, Criminology and Abortion Law in the Nordic Countries
Seow Hon Tan, Commercial Surrogacy and Human Flourishing
Whitney Rosenberg, The Use of Baby Safes: An Investigation into the Right to Life of an Abandoned Child versus his or her Right to Knowledge of Origins, Which is More Important?
María Aránzazu Novales Alquézar, Dignidad, igualdad de género y reproducción asistida
Sergio Daniel Ruiz Díaz Arce, La protección de la infancia en los argumentos de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: análisis, evaluación y efectos de la Opinión Consultiva 17
WG 7: Democracy I
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 217
Douglas Carvalho Ribeiro, Does Right Wing Populism Threaten Democracy? A German Case Study
Débora Caetano Dahas, The Rise of the Right: Populism and the Attack on the so-called Cultural Marxism
Loiane Prado Verbicaro & Ridivan Clairefont de Souza Mello Neto, Neoliberalism and Humanitarian Crisis: The Advance of Post-Democratic States
Aakash Laad & Mohd. Aamir Siraj, Perversion of Authority by the Defenders of Law, Order and Security
Yxta Maya Murray, Epistemic Injustice in Puerto Rico
Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, Legislation with Qualified Majority, and the Principle of Democracy
Ikanyeng S. Malila, Ubunto/Botho ('Humanity'), Citizenship and Governance
Columbus Ogbujah, Ethics of Exclusion and its Impact on Nigeria's Trudge to Democracy
WG 8: Democracy II
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 303
Karla Karolina Harada Souza, Democracy, Governance and the Problem of Diversity Opposed to the Universality of Human Rights
Dong-il Kim, Can We Make a Democratic Decision by Voting?
Paolo Bodini, Compulsory Voting: Enforced Democracy or Full Participation?
Sasso Pagnou, Pour un réalisme juridique des processus électoraux dans les pays de l’Uémoa
Laetitia Ramelet, Elections as a Manifestation of the Citizens' Consent to their Authorities' Rule
Xin Zhang, Information Technology and E-Participation: An Empirical Study on Online Solicitation of Opinions on Lawmaking by the National People’s Congress
Tatsuya Yokohama, Immigration Justice and Political Membership
Fernando Laércio Alves da Silva, Constitutional Control or Usurpation of Function? The Decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5874
WG 9: Democracy III
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 120
Rafal Manko, Reconstructing Judicial Legitimacy: From Reductionist Deductionism to Democratic Decisionism
Mohammed Rida Nour, La Démocratie: le nom volé d’une idée violée
Minami Murata, The Tyranny of the Majority and Antagonism: John Stuart Mill on Democracy
Chung FangHua, The Thinking of Liberal Democracy as Secular Religion? A Critical Reflection from Hans Kelsen’s Theory of Liberal Democracy
Lucretia Dogaru, The Will and Reason of the Legislator in the Legal System
Po-Jung Su, Kritik an der Diskurstheorie des Völkerrechts bei Jürgen Habermas
César Ortega Esquembre, The Meaning of a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy for Jürgen Habermas´s Critical Theory
Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz, Totalitarismos y liquidación del individuo: una mirada desde Hannah Arendt y Theodor W. Adorno
Kaj Späth, The Inherent Limits of Democracy – A Model
Andrea Carcano, The Deconsolidation of Democracy in Times of Globalisation and Populism: What Role for Legal Scholars?
WG 10: Democracy IV
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 501
Amy J. Sepinwall, Complicity and the Scope of Constitutional Rights
Anne Wesemann, Saving Europe – The Revolutionary Effect of Constitutional Rights Norms
Seonmi Jang, The Constitutional Right as a Political Right
Edilson Vitorelli, Group Rights: Ensuring Diversity in Collective Litigation
Elena Ziliotti, Against Political Egalitarianism
Mihai Bădescu, Société civile – coordonnées contemporaines. Etude de cas: Roumanie
Mohammed Rida Nour, Démocratie et finances: Duo ou duel?
Chen Guodong, Justice and Democracy in the Process of Economic Reform and Transformation: China's Experience, Problems and Enlightenment
Leonardo Mellace, The EU’s Democratic Deficit in Times of Crisis
Larissa Ribeiro & Ana Beatriz Eufrauzino de Araújo, 50-50: An Analysis of Partial Democracy as a Tool to Social and Economic Development in Latin America
WG 11: Diversity, Identity & Rights
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 303
Heidi Gilchrist, Act Normal or Get Out? An Examination of the Idea of ‘Normal” and Ideas of Diversity and Inclusion
Yuichiro Mori, Statistical Discrimination and Treatment as an Individual
Amanda Boniface, Different Types of Marriages in South Africa: Diversity or Discrimination?
Ana Jara Gomez, Identity and Rights: Materials for a Discussion on Exclusionary Cultures
Soundarya Lahari Vedula, Annihilation of Caste
Neda Kardooni, Cultural Diversity Terminology and De-Securitized State-Minority Relations in Iran
Charlotte Helen Skeet, Feminism, Diversity and Democracy: Lessons from the Scottish Constitutional Convention Thirty Years On
Clara Moura Masiero, Legal Mobilisation, Rights and Social Change in Brazil: Reasons for Optimism
Loiane Prado Verbicaro & Roberto de Almeida Pereira Barros, El hiato entre el hombre y el ciudadano: La vida desnuda y la dependencia de los derechos humanos a los esquemas de poder de los estados nación
WG 12: International & Global Perspectives
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 13
Florian Weber, Legal Internationalisation Strategies – Confronting Democracy with ist Extraterritorial Conditions of Existence
Maria Julia Cruz da Fonseca, The Chameleon of International Law: A Case Study on Soft Law
Andreas Follesdal, Current Contributions of the Natural Law Tradition to International Law
Chia-Yin Chang, On Constitutionalism in the Age of Globalization: Is Transnational Constitutionalism Possible?
Camilla Capucio, Dignity of the Human Person as a Foundation of the Duty of Cooperation Between States: Towards a Universal Justice?
Renee Nicole Souris, Dignity, Development, and the Gravity of Child Soldiering
Ntandokayise Ndhlovu, International Law as a Tool against Child Marriage in Zimbabwe
Wang Yue & Zhang Sheng-nan, On the Legal Guarantee of Bohai Rim Regional Economic Integration
Alexander Pearl, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, and the Global Climate Crisis
July Cassiani Hernandez, Approach to Development and Poverty in Cartagena from a Brief Historical Analysis
WG 13: Conflict, Peace & Transition
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 14
Andrew (Fu Yuan) Liu, Taking Responsibility for Unintended Civilian Casualties: The Reasonable Military Commander as the Standard to Assess Indirect Collateral Damage and Reverberating Effects
Sangsu Kim, Command Responsibility in War
Lorenzo Cavalaglio & Adèle Julia Chenaux, Dignité de l’homme et guerre “humanitaire”: la nouvelle signification du concept traditionnel de guerre “juste”
Adriana Machado Yaghsisian, Catherine de Souza Santos & Simone Alves Cardoso, Preventive Diplomacy as a Tool for International Conflict Prevention and Maintenance of Peace
Attila Nagy, Dignity, Democracy and Diversity in Post-Conflict Societies
Hiro Saito, Nationalism and Imperialism in Transitional Justice: A Cosmopolitan Critique
Rabia Sağlam & Kasım Akbaş, Rogue and Non-Rogue States: The Dilemma of the Legitimate Monopoly of Violence
Esthefânia Guerra Guimarães, The Role of Conflict in Contemporary Democracies
WG 14: Migration, Immigration and Refugeehood
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 316
T. C. Christopher, Canada’s Right to Multiculturalism in the Current Global Context: Human Dignity, Refugees and Migrants
Joseph A. Indaimo, Dignity with Diversity: Levinas & the European Responses to the Recent Refugee Crisis
Mitsuki Hirai, Immigration, Agency, and the Rule of Law
Kostas Koukouzelis, Refining Modern Republicanism: Border Controls and Non-Domination
Susumu Morimura, Libertarians on the Restrictions of Immigration
Abhinav Singh Chandel, International Refugee Rights and Sovereignty: An Evolving Discourse on the Challenges of Statehood
André Luiz Siciliano, The Migration Right as an Underestimated Human Right
Eilidh Beaton, Justifying Refugee Rights to Family Reunification
Matija Žgur, Arbitrariness on the Frontlines: Analysing Legal Exclusion in the Interaction between Irregular Immigrants and Host Country Legal Officials
Joanna Ptak-Chmiel, Defining the Undefinable? Critical Analysis of Public and Academic Discourse on the Definition of Honour-Related Violence in the Context of Migration
Camelia Tigau, The Historical Preference for Skilled Migrants in North American and European Migration Diplomacy
WG 15: Freedom of Expression & Hate Speech
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 120
Eric R. Boot, Leaks, Fake News, and the Obligations of Journalists
Mickhael Erik Alexander Bachmann et al., A Defense of the Epistemic Argument for Freedom of Expression
Fatma Süzgün Şahin Ünver, Confidentiality of ‘Virtual Reflection’
Ian Cram, Participating, not Deliberating in the Public Sphere. Moving Beyond the Perfectionist Tendencies of Political Elites
Karol Dobbrzeniecki, Freedom of Speech v. Right to Truth: The Actual and Possible Flashpoints
Chuang Shih-Tung, Dworkin and Waldron on Dignity, Democracy, and Hate Speech: A Critical Survey from a Kantian Perspective
WG 16: Law, Education & Citizenship
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 504
Victor Hugo Oliveira, Universalization of Education and State Responsibility
Liesbet Van den Driessche, From Pupil to Active Citizen: Learning Pathway Active Citizenship
Marcos Viniciu da Silva, The Educational Crisis in Latin America
Gianluigi Segalerba, Liberalism, Autonomy, Diversity, and Education
Gustavo Borges Mariano, Democratic State, Gender Diversity and Dignity: Sexual Education and the Principle of Equality in Portugal and Brazil
Kathrin Bouvot, Lying and Deception in Political Education: An Absolute Must Requirement for Being a ‘Good’ Politician or a Reprehensible Violation of Dignity?
Edgar Javier Garzon Pascagaza & Daniel Leonardo Martínez Rada, Educar para pensar politicamente: el papel de la educación politica en el context colombiano
Asya Ostroukh, Teaching and Studying Jurisprudential Cases in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Lessons of Dignity, Democracy, Diversity
WG 17: Law, Religion and Plurality
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 304
Vanja-Ivan Savic, Love as a Supreme Law for All: A Path to Ecumenical Justice
José María Monzón, A Theological Theory of Law (and Power)
Hüseyin Yildiz, The Grounding of Human Dignity in Islam and its Legal Aspects for Islamic Law
Shu-Perng Hwang, The “Burqa-Ban” in Europe: Human Rights Violation or Expression of Cultural Pluralism?
Michael Roseneck, Render unto Caesar the Things that are Caesar's. Towards a Discourse Ethical Perspective on Integrating Religious Reasons in Democratic Discourse under Pluralistic Circumstances
Serdar Unver, Religion, Civil Rights and Democracy: The Right to Secularism
Ahmed Selim, The Effects of The Islamist Movements on Women’s Movement in Egypt
Benedict Coleridge, Reassessing Moral Contemporaneity in Contexts of Ethical and Religious Diversity
Flavianne Fernanda Bitencourt Nóbrega & George Browne Rego, The European Court of Human Rights Decision on the ‘Burqa Ban’ and the Critical Analysis from Peirce’s and Dewey’s Experimental Logic
WG 18: Law, Sex and Gender
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 504
Luana Mathias Souto & José Adércio Leite Sampaio, Female Political Spaces: Permanent State of Exception in the Brazilian Case
Débora Caetano Dahas, Spinoza, Rule of Law and Gender Equality in Politics
Kazuki Matsuda, How Should we Regulate the Arrangements of Shared Living Between Adults After the Abolition of Marriage?
Caroline Ferri, Racism and Sexism in Brazil: The Advertising of “Globeleza”
Esthefânia Guerra Guimarães & Juliana de Freitas Dornelas, Power Access by Women and the New Challenges
Maria Luiza Moura, Démédicaliser pour mieux protéger - La perspective démédicalisante sur les transidentités
Crishna Correa, Legislative and Trans Subjectivities: The Law of the Name and Fundamental Rights in Brazil
WG 19: Economics, Trade & Tax
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 108
Manuel Augusto Meireis, The Human Rights Clause and International Trade
Mariusz Golecki, Judicial Activism and the Rule of Law from the Perspective of Law and Economics
Dana Burchardt, Legal Philosophy and Behavioural Law and Economics – Theorizing the Behaviour of Courts
Michele Ubertone & Tommaso Meani, Law Comes with a Price: How to Protect the Common Good through Legal Rules in a Globalized Economy
Izabella Schiffauer, Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence - Any Insights from the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union?
Han Peng, An Analysis on the Changes of Criminal Laws on the Crime of Embezzlement and Bribery and Corresponding Changes of Mechanical Solidarity in the P.R.C.
Marco Túlio Fernandes Ibraim, Dworkin, Nozick and the Role of Taxation on Promoting Equality and its Reflexes Over the Right to Property
Juliana Senna & Fernando Daniel de Moura Fonseca, Strategic Behavior and Tax Law: A Case Study of Obama Care
Ricardo Sergio Schmitz Filho, The Challenges of Sovereignty, Justice and Representation related to the Movement towards Multilateralism in International Taxation
Ellika Sevelin, Legitimate Taxes and Integration: The Connection between the Reciprocity between Obligations to Pay Taxes and Right to Social Welfare for Immigrants
WG 20: Human Rights I
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 313
Andrew Fagan, A Radical Perspective upon the Crisis of Human Rights
Tomoko Sugiyama, Human Rights and Democracy in the 21st Century: Human Rights Movements and its Impact on Democracy and Diversity
Rodrigo Suzuki Cintra, The Ideological Grammar in/of Human Rights
James Donovan, Cross-Cultural Analogues for the UDHR: Ethnographic Foundation for the Identification of Genuinely “Human” Rights
Kosuke Kiyama, Neither Monism nor Pluralism: Defence of Dualism as the Ground for Human Rights
Dominikus Sukristiono, Justifying Human Rights in the Diverse World
Makoto Usami, Universal Human Rights: An Uncompromised Defense
Andrew Buchwalter, Human Dignity and the Intercultural Conception of Universal Human Rights
Pedro Parini, Human Rights from the Rhetorical Perspective of an Ironist
André Gualtieri, Hunger for Rights: The Causes and Paradoxes of Human Rights Hypergenesis
Samantha Davey, The Effect of the Private Sector and Limited Resources on the Ability to Satisfy the Right to Health under the International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights: A Comparison of the UK and Cuba
WG 21: Human Rights II
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 316
Roxan Venter, Human Rights and the Judicial Decriminalization of Unlawful Conduct: A South African Perspective
Gabriel Costa Val Rodrigues, Theories of Human Rights and the Semantic Sting
Raúl Omar Cadús, Dignidad, Derechos de la Naturaleza y Buen vivir en las Constituciones de Ecuador (2008) y Bolivia (2009)
Sven Gellens, Agonal Human Rights: A Re-evaluation of Democracy Through Nietzsche’s Physio-Psychology of Will to Power
Liuda Kocnovaite, Relational Responsibility in the Human Rights Discourse
Maria Cristina Pascerini, Igualdad y libertad del hombre en Francisco de Vitoria
Gabriel Melo Viana, An Outraged Brazil: Law, Social Movements and Reactionary Conservatism
Marize Vieira de Oliveira & Victor Hugo de Oliveira Pinto, Threat to Rights of Demarcation of Indigenous Lands: Construction of Exclusions by State's Laws
Rodrigo Cespedes, Hohfeld’s Taxonomy Revisited: An Update from the Theory of Rights and Modern Public Law, Family Law and Human Rights Law
Flavianne Fernanda Bitencourt Nóbrega, The Effectiveness of Collective Property Rights of Indigenous People: Challenges of the Xukuru Case after Interamerican Human Rights Court Decision
Luiz Fernando Coelho, Ontological Rationale of Human Rights
Nicole Nickerson, Locating Human Rights Universalism in Practice: What the Iranian Women’s Rights Movement Can Teach Us
WG 22: Philosophy & Jurisprudence I
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 204
Andrew Chueh-an Yen, Gustav Radbruch’s Theory of Culture
Ion Craiovan, On the Concept of Legal Culture Within Transdisciplinarity
Bogdan Cuza, On National Culture Within Universality: The Romanian Case
Eduardo C.B. Bittar, A Humanistic Turn in Critical Legal Theory: The Birth of a New Conception in Brazilian Legal Theory
Michael Hebeisen, Humanism, Individualism, and Pluralism in Renaissance, Modern and Post-Modern Legal Thought
Hidehiko Adachi, An Interpretation of Radbruch’s Betraying Formula
Pujarini Das, A Critical Approach of Berlin and Taylor on the Notion of Liberty
Wade Robison, Hume on Forms of Government and the Morality of Officials
Maurizio Manzin, On Dike and Eris. Disagreement as the Origin of Law?
Kathrin Bouvot, Auf der Suche nach einem Geschichtszugang, der dem Leben dient
Michael Michailov et al., On Pax Kantiana in the Context of Philosophy of Law
WG 23: Philosophy & Jurisprudence II
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 501
Michael Hebeisen, The High Tide of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence in Twentieth Century Switzerland
Anna Lukina, Communist Theory of Law as a Pandora’s Box: Kelsen Revisited
Michihiro Kaino, Bentham’s Constitutional Code and his Pannomion (A Complete Code of Laws)
Keisuke Kondo, Reason and Institution in Law: Toward a Systemic Understanding of Neil MacCormick’s Legal Philosophy
Hugo Ricardo Zuleta, On the Rationale of Proportionality in Alexy's Theory
Raf Geenens, Natural Law and Ideology: From Montesquieu to Hayek
Katarzyna Eliasz, In Defense of Hannah Arendt’s Account of Political Action
Marija Bulatovic, Rethinking Merleau-Ponty’s Concept of Intersubjectivity Within the Framework of Modern Democratic Society
Ma Chi, John Chipman Gray on Concept of Legal Sources
Xiaobo Zhai, Legality and the Fidelity to Law: Postema’s Theory of the Rule of Law
Ricardo Juozepavicius Gonçalves, The Senses of Rights and Law in Axel Honneth: From Struggle for Recognition to Social Freedom
WG 24: Philosophy & Jurisprudence III
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 108
Eva Neu et al., On Approaches to Philosophy and Law in the Context of Globalisation
Matti Ilmari Niemi, Law as an Expression of Adopted Justice
Weiwei Zhang, Élitism, Justice and Poetical Sources
Valerio Nitrato Izzo, The Implications of the Urban Age for Legal Theory
Nicolas Cornell, The Wrong of Exploitation
Ana Paula Barbosa-Fohrmann & Luana Adriano Araújo, Justice and Equality for People with Disabilities: Recognizing Moral Status in Law and Philosophy
Ákos Tussay, Sir Robert Filmer’s Patriarchal Justification of Regal Power
Hend Hanafy, The Justification of Punishment in Authoritarian States: Utilitarianism
Hsin-Wen Lee, Self-Defense Theories of Punishment and the Minimum Rationality Requirement
Yuko Hashimoto, Retributive Emotion and Criminal Justice
Athina Sachoulidou, The Transformation of Criminal Law in the Big Data Era – Reflections on Benefits, Risks and Challenges Regarding the Right to Presumption of Innocence
WG 25: Philosophy & Jurisprudence IV
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 217
Igor Nevvazhay, Towards a General Theory of Legal Norms
Tomasz J. G. Zygmunt, An Introduction to Legal Insight
Andrea Romeo, The Concept of Law and the Lawyers’ Point of View: A Jurisprudential Analysis
Tatiana Chauvin, Relations between Law and Science - Cooperation or a Test of Strength?
Corina Adriana Dumitrescu, Achieving the Rule of Law - A Fundamental Objective, Both for the Philosophy of Law and for Social Philosophy
Hannele Isola-Miettinen, Methods of Legal Reasoning in the Case of Principled Legislation
Maciej Juzaszek, Durkheimian Utilitarianism and Legal Moralism
Ana Paula Barbosa-Fohrmann & Luana Adriano Araújo, Support for People with Intellectual and Cognitive Disabilities: Recognizing Moral Status in Law and Philosophy
Lorena Forni, Minors and Vulnerability: The Case of Mandatory Vaccination for Children in Italy
Carolina Sanchez, Human Rights of Indigenous Migrants and the Contribution of Intergovernmental Organizations
WG 26: Philosophy & Jurisprudence V
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B52
Raphael Marcelino de Almeida Nunes, Judicial Review and Legal Positivism in a Neo-Kantian Perspective
Fernando Gabriel Ghiggi, International Judicial Review: Jurisdiction, Dialogue and Argumentative Conventionality Control
Peter Chau, Should Insanity be a Defence in Tort Law?
Helena Nadal Sánchez, Philosophy of Mediation: A New Discipline in Favour of Parties’ Dignity, Diversity and Rights
Ge Yanjie, Study on the Feasibility of Installing New Confucianism into the Construction of China’s Rule of Law and East Asian Sense of Identity
Liu Yigong, The Progress of Rule of Law in China's 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up
Naoto Takeya, The Rule of Law and the Role of the Supreme Court in Japan
Shigeki Tanaka, Comparative Legal Cultures in Japanese Legal Philosophy
Fei Yanying & Cao Guangyu, A Comparison of Kant, Mencius and Xunzi’s Theories of Human Nature
Cornelia Helfrich, Mystische Definition des Menschen
Eva Neu et al., On Philosophy of Law in Resident Houses
WG 27: Philosophy & Jurisprudence VI
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B46
Jon Mandle, Modern Justice: Local, Political, Global
Gianluigi Segalerba, Forms of Liberalism
Oscar Torres, “Acte clair” Doctrine and the Literal Interpretation of European Union Law by National Courts
Paulina Konca, Creating an Interpretive Law - Indispensable or Impossible?
Júlia Ferri Polese, A Hermeneutical Analysis of the Indetermination of the Concepts of Relevance and Urgency of Provisional Measures
Carlos Sanmartin Catalan, Values and Reason: Baselines of Praxis
Ubaldina Díaz Romero, Regla de reconocimiento: Ni secundaria ni equivalente a Norma básica fundamental
Ricardo Evandro Santos Martins & Luiza N. Maziviero, The State of Exception Dispositive as a Social Fact: Interpreting Brazilian Criminal Law by a Possible Approximation between Durkheim and Agamben
Juan Carlos Riofrío, The Evidence and its Proof in Philosophy and in Law: Designing a Test of Evidence
Kotaro Yonemura, Neutrality of Treatment and Its Implication
Dennis Verbicaro & Camyla Galeão de Azevedo, El papel de la industria cultural en el surgimiento del asédio de consumo y la hipervulnerabilización de la mujer en este contexto
Michael Michailov et al., On Immorality in Science and Medicine: The Necessity of Scientific Tribunals
WG 28: Philosophy & Jurisprudence VII
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 504
Çağla Erdoğan, Mandatory Mediation Procedure in Turkish Labour Courts Law: A New Era of Concerns About Protection of Labour Rights
Rafael Encinas de Munagorri, What Theory of Law for Contemporary Labour?
Giuseppe Contissa & Giulia Lasagni, The Role of Predictive Systems in Criminal Investigations: Accountability, Discriminatory Effects and Fair Trial Guarantees
Gabriela Soldano Garcez, Rethinking Brazilian Constitutional Law: The Use of Police Power in the Current Risk Society for Sustainable Development
Lara Rios, The Meaning of Dignity in the Brazilian Supreme Court Jurisprudence: A Logocratic Analysis
Clélia Brito Silveira, La Argumentación jurídica del tribunal de justicia del distrito federal y territories en los conflictos urbanos ambientales
Larissa Ribeiro, Labelling approach y Cosmopolitismo: etiquetas como amenaza de sentimiento cosmopolita
Stanciu Vasile Miltiade, The Imperatives of the Social Action of the Law: The Role and Functions of the State
Nagy Levente, Philosophical Issues of Sport Rules
Felix Ekardt, A Theory of Human-Rights-Based Freedom Under the Auspices of Sustainability
Michael Da Silva, What’s So Special About Nations II: The Case of Recognized Sub-State Nations